It looks like the Google Play Store is facing a bit of pushback from various CEOs from Indian gaming companies. Their main gripe with Google...
It looks like the Google Play Store is facing a bit of pushback from various CEOs from Indian gaming companies. Their main gripe with Google is the 30% commission that Google charges on in-game purchases. Essentially how it works is that when you purchase an in-game weapon or skin, you will be directed to the Google Pay page which automatically charges a 30% fee on every purchase. Various CEOs from some of India’s largest gaming companies have come out and slammed the commission with some even that while measures like this could work in a country like the US, Indian companies need that revenue to reinvest in the industry.
The country’s gaming infrastructure is only a fraction of what it’s like in other countries but greed trumps all as Google is looking to squeeze every drop of blood out of Indian gaming companies. Think about it in this way, if you want to buy a product that costs ₹70, you’ll be paying ₹100 for that same product. Why, you ask? Well, Google’s got to grease its pockets as well. From that ₹100, the developers only receive ₹70. These complaints were discussed on a panel which took place during Consilience 2023. The event was organised by the Law and Technology Society in partnership with the All India Game Developers’ Forum.
In fact, even Seas Hyunil Sohn, CEO of Krafton India called for more innovation by the government. He also stated the importance of thriving in a free market as opposed to a monopoly set up by Google. These topics as well as others were discussed at Consilience 2023. The conference also discussed various issues such as online gaming regulations, taxation of gaming and new business opportunities that gaming companies can leverage.
What do you guys think about this 30% commission that Google charges?
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